My book is part of a series published by Syngress of, you guessed it, seven books related to security, each of which has seven chapters that each detail one of the seven attacks in each book. The full series is:
- Seven Deadliest Microsoft Attacks
- Seven Deadliest USB Attacks
- Seven Deadliest Network Attacks
- Seven Deadliest Social Network Attacks
- Seven Deadliest Web Application Attacks
- Seven Deadliest Wireless Technologies Attacks
- Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks
All of which will be hitting the stores between March and May 2010. I have not had a chance yet to review any of the other books in the series, so I don't know how they are as books, but judging by some of the folks involved I think they should be quite excellent.
[Disclosure: Yes, all those links to include my affiliate ID for referrals.]